Varsity Letter in Reading

Varsity Letter Project Options

Listed below are several options for book projects.  Choose 10.  You can not repeat a project.  If you would like to do something that is not listed, let your English teacher know.  He/She can approve an alternate project. If you have already lettered, one of your ten projects MUST be Project #22.

  1. Do a costumed presentation of your book.  Dress either as the author or one of the characters.

  2. Write a new conclusion to the book.

  3. Make a new jacket with an original blurb.

  4. Find a song or a poem that relates to the theme of your book.  Explain the similarities.

  5. Draw a comic-book complete with bubble-style conversations showing an incident in your book.

  6. Make an ID card which belongs to one of the characters.  Be sure to make the card look like the cards for that particular state.  Include a picture and all information found on an ID card.  Don’t forget the signature!!

  7. Make a wanted poster for one of the characters or objects in your book.  Include the following: (a) a drawing or cut out picture of the character or object, (b) a physical description of the character or object, (c) the character’s or object’s misdeeds (or deeds), (d) other information about the character or object which is important, (e) the reward offered for the capture of the character or object.

  8. Complete a series of five drawings that show five of the major events in the plot of the book you read.  Write captions for each drawing so that the illustrations can be understood by someone who did not read the book.

  9. Make a test for the book you read.  Include 10 true-false, 10 multiple choice and 10 short essay questions.  After writing the test, provide the answers for your questions.

  10. You are a prosecuting attorney putting one of the characters from the book you read on trial for a crime or misdeed.  Prepare your case on paper, giving all your arguments.

  11. Make a shoe box diorama of a scene from the book your read.  Write a paragraph explaining the scene and its effect in the book on your title page.

  12. Imagine that you have been given the task of conducting a tour of the town in which the book your read is set.  Make a tape describing the homes of your characters and the places where important events in the book took place.  You may want to use a musical background for your tape.

  13. Do some research on the hometown of your book’s author.  You may be able to find descriptions of his or her home, school, favorite hangouts, etc.   What else is of interest in the town?  Imagine that you are conducting a tour of the town.  Make a tape describing the places you show people on the tour.  You may want to use a musical background for your tape.

  14. Design a poster to advertise your book.  Be creative.  Use detail.  Elaborate. Use color!  Can you make it 3-D or movable?

  15. Write a letter to the author of your novel and explain how you feel about the book.

  16. Make a colorful map of the setting of the book, with the locations of important events marked with captioned symbols.

  17. Write a paragraph telling about the title.  Is it appropriate?  Why or Why not?

  18. Pretend that you are the teacher preparing to teach your novel to the entire class.  Create 5 journal prompts.

  19. Describe the problem or conflict existing for the main character in the book.  Tell how the conflict was or was not resolved.

  20. Research and write a 1 page report on the geographical setting of your story.  Include an explanation as to why this setting was important to the effect of the story.

  21. Create a movie trailer for your book.  (You can use power point, video cameras, etc.  Be creative!


  1. Create a product that required the use of technology to complete.  Suggestions include but are not limited to PowerPoint presentation, EduGlogster poster, XtraNormal animation, or blog posting.