Due to the increasing number of jobs in the realm of Science, Technology,
Engineering, & Math (STEM), Ms. Clark and the Science Committee at Wallace
Middle School thought it would be an amazing opportunity for students to learn
about the many different professions in STEM by hosting a Science Job Fair.
When reaching out to community professionals within Washington County and
surrounding counties, many professionals were eager to talk to students and show
them the importance of their jobs and how Science, Technology, Engineering, or
Math is important in their daily duties, responsibilities, and routines. Throughout
the duration of the Science Job Fair, students walked around the gymnasium to the
different stations in amazement of the opportunities that STEM has to offer. The
following professions/organizations attended the event: a Clinical Health Student
from Emory & Henry, Department of Wildlife Resources, United States Marshals
Service, Eastman Chemical Company, General Shale Brick & Building Materials,
an Environmental Education Specialist, a Pharmacist, The Lane Group Inc., a Hair
Stylist, Registered Nurses, Virginia Natural Heritage, Misty’s Florist, Tri-Cities
Orthodontics, a Pediatric Cardiologist, H&R Block, and a Fiber-Optic Company.