Students and Parents: Just a reminder that JSB Counselors will be holding a scheduling presentation tonight (3/11), at 6:00 in the JSB auditorium, for rising freshmen and parents. We look forward to seeing you.
about 8 hours ago, Wallace Middle School
Save the Date Get ready for an unforgettable experience at Theatre Arts Camp at Emory & Henry University! This camp for rising 3rd through rising 12th grade students will be a chance to explore the world of theatre, unleash your creativity, and have a blast! Mark your calendars for June 9-14 and stay tuned for more details coming soon!
1 day ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS E&H Save the Date Theatre Arts Camp
JSB Counselors will be at WMS on March 24th and 25th to meet with 8th grade students, individually, to complete their freshman schedule.   JSB will be holding a scheduling presentation for incoming freshmen on March 11 at 6:00 pm in the John S. Battle auditorium. This meeting is for students and parents to attend. For more information or questions please see Mrs. Buffalow.
5 days ago, Wallace Middle School
John S. Battle will be holding a scheduling presentation for incoming freshmen on March 11 at 6:00 pm in the John S. Battle auditorium.  This meeting is for students and parents to attend. For more information or questions please see Mrs. Buffalow.    
7 days ago, Wallace Middle School
JV soccer Tryout Information for 8th graders
9 days ago, Wallace Middle School
Middle School Tennis Club starts Thursday 3/13.
9 days ago, Wallace Middle School
Approved 2025-2026 School Calendar: This calendar was approved on 2/18/2025, by the School Board based on recommendations from the Calendar Committee and additional feedback from Dr. Perrigan. *Please Note: Inclement weather annually causes the last day of school to be rescheduled later than it appears on the calendar. It is recommended you delay making plans for the start of vacations until after June 5. A special thanks to the Calendar Committee for their work putting this calendar together. To view the calendar on the WCPS website, click here:
11 days ago, WCPS Social Media
Washington County Public Schools 2025-2026 School Calendar
March Competition Flyer
12 days ago, Wallace Middle School
March Excellent Attendance Incentive
13 days ago, Wallace Middle School
Sixth grade students are now allowed to tryout for softball. Tryouts for them start on Wednesday (2/26) at Wallace Middle School at 5:00 p.m. Athletes must have a physical before starting tryouts.
15 days ago, Wallace Middle School
Reminder that the CTE Open House is at WMS tomorrow night starting at 5:30 p.m.
15 days ago, Wallace Middle School
Schedule Update: It has been a busy day for our road checkers, assessing road conditions across the county. VDOT has done a great job of clearing roads of snow and ice. As a result, WCPS will operate on a 2-Hour Delayed Schedule tomorrow, Friday, February 21, 2025. We are aware that some roads, particularly in the Valley Institute area, remain snow and ice covered. Because of this, buses will be running on clear routes only. We encourage parents of teen drivers to check road conditions before they head out in the morning. If slick roads prevent your child from attending school, please contact your child's principal. The 2-Hour Delay will also give real feel temperatures time to rise by about 10 degrees between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Childcare will be provided at elementary schools for working parents. Please be on the lookout for additional information from your child's school. Our road checkers will be out again early tomorrow morning evaluating conditions. Should a shift to a Remote Learning Day be necessary, a decision will be made by 7:00 a.m. Please note, if we transition to a Remote Learning Day, childcare will not be provided. Stay safe, and we will keep you updated!
19 days ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS 2-Hour Delay Clear Roads Only 2/20/2025
Softball tryouts will resume on Monday, February 24 starting at 5:30 in the WMS gymnasium.
19 days ago, Wallace Middle School
The Miss Junior Trojan Pageant will still be held tomorrow 2/21 at Wallace Middle School.  Doors will open at 5:00 pm and the pageant will begin at 6:00 pm.  Girls need to be at the school at 4:00 pm.  
20 days ago, Wallace Middle School
Important Update: Due to continued deteriorating road conditions, we have made the decision to cancel the Remote Learning Day Meal Pick Up at Abingdon High School today. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Stay safe and warm!
20 days ago, WCPS Social Media
Update Remote Learning Day Meal Pick Up
Schedule Update: Due to deteriorating weather conditions, WCPS will implement a Remote Learning Day for today, Thursday, February 20, 2025. No childcare will be provided. Due to the Remote Learning Day, breakfast and lunch meals will be available for Washington County students at one central location. Meals can be picked up between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at Abingdon High School. Follow the signage to the back cafeteria door for pick up.
20 days ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS Remote Learning Day 2/20/2025
WCPS Meal Distribution
Washington County Public Schools will operate on a 2-Hour Delayed Schedule on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Childcare will be provided for working families at elementary schools. Please be on the lookout for additional information from your child's school. Due to predicted winter weather this evening into the early morning hours, we will recheck road conditions tomorrow morning. If a shift to Remote Learning is necessary, a decision will be made by 7:00 a.m. If we move to Remote Learning, please note that we will not be able to provide childcare. Stay safe, and we will keep you updated!
20 days ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS 2-Hour Delay 2/20/2025
Schedule Change: Based on multiple forecasts (including the highly reliable FirstWARN Tri-Cities) and a Winter Weather Advisory for Washington County, WCPS will be closed on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, due to the timing of anticipated snowfall and the likelihood of poor road conditions. This will be a traditional snow day, and we encourage our students to enjoy some outdoor fun in the snow! Please note, if weather conditions do not improve and roads remain unsafe later this week, Thursday and Friday may transition to Remote Learning Days. WCPS has 10 Remote Learning Days available to use throughout the course of the school year. We’ve already used six of those days, and we would like to keep some in reserve for potential use later. As we get closer to scheduled state testing and assessments, having some days in reserve would provide a safety net. Adding additional school days to the end of the school year will be discussed at the School Board meeting in March. Stay safe, enjoy the snow, and we will keep you updated on any further schedule changes.
21 days ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS Schools Closed Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Baseball tryouts are postponed until Monday 2/24 from 6:30 to 8:00 at John Battle High School.
21 days ago, Wallace Middle School