Fall school pictures will be on Monday, September 9 for all Wallace Middle School students and staff.
about 2 months ago, Wallace Middle School
The Wallace Middle School faculty and students will participate in a Lockdown drill on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
about 2 months ago, Kevin Worley
See the flyer for information about concessions for Back to School Bash tomorrow.
Back to School Bash is Thursday, August 15 during the school day. This event is for WMS students only.
about 2 months ago, Wallace Middle School
Anyone who has excellent attendance will have a pizza party with the school resource officer at the end of the school year. Please see the flyer for more information.
about 2 months ago, Wallace Middle School
On Wednesday, August 14, the WMS faculty and student body will participate in a lockdown drill.
about 2 months ago, Kevin Worley
Due to the projected weather forecast for Friday, August 16, WMS is moving the Back to School Bash to Thursday, August 15. This event is for WMS students only and will occur during regular school hours.
about 2 months ago, Kevin Worley
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
For a student to ride a different bus or get off the bus at a different stop with another student, you MUST have WRITTEN permission from BOTH students' guardians. It can not be done with phone call permission.
For a student to ride a different bus or get off the bus at a different stop to a caregiver's, relative's or friend's house, WRITTEN permission from the guardian that includes the address MUST be given (If this will be an alternate arrangement throughout the year, one note indicating to be used "as needed" can be used for the entire school year.)
For a student to ride the bus for sports or school activities, WRITTEN permission MUST be given by the guardian. A separate note for each activity must be written (ie: cannot use a football pass to go to baseball workouts, etc.). If the same sport/activity has different locations (ie: JSB, Wash. Co. fields, etc.) you will need to indicate that on the note since there are different buses used. One note for each sport/activity will cover that specific sport/activity for the year
2 months ago, Wallace Middle School
WMS School Community,
We are excited to announce the following program that will benefit our students. The At-Risk Afterschool Meals component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offers Federal funding to Afterschool Programs that serve a meal or snack to children in qualifying areas. Starting Monday, August 12, Wallace Middle School students who stay after school for tutoring can receive a snack free of charge each week Monday through Thursday. Please see the attached letter.
https://5il.co/2taz0 2 months ago, Wallace Middle School
See the flyer about attendance
2 months ago, Andrew Smith
First Day of School: We've had a great day welcoming back our students for the 2024-2025 school year! Here are some highlights of the fun that took place. Be sure to check back as we share more photos over the next few days!
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
As our students head back to school, please remember to use caution! Observe the speed limit in all school zones, watch for school buses and pedestrians and plan additional time to reach your destination. We appreciate your help to keep our students, teachers, staff and parents safe as we begin a new school year.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Special Recognition: The WCPS Board recognized Dustin Forrester, of Glade Spring Middle School for performing the Heimlich Maneuver on a choking student this past school year. Thank you for your quick actions, Mr. Forrester!
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
It was all smiles at the WCPS Board Meeting on Monday! Students that took part in Theatre Camp this summer put on a special performance. More than 90 campers in grades 3-12 participated from schools across the division. The camp was in collaboration with WCPS & Emory & Henry.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
SY 2024-2025 Staff and Visitor Meal Pricing: Please click the link below for information regarding SY 2024-2025 Staff and Visitor Meal Pricing:
A reminder that Washington County Public Schools will provide free meals to all children served under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS SY 2024-2025 Staff and Visitor Meal Pricing: Please see the images below for information on SY 2024-2025 Staff and Visitor Meal Pricing. A reminder that Washington County Public Schools will provide free meals to all children served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Open House is Monday, August 5, from 12:00 - 6:30 PM
Students will pick up their schedules.
7th & 8th-grade students will pick up their Chromebooks.
The PTA will be selling Trojan apparel.
The transportation department will be there to determine bus numbers & routes.
2 months ago, Andrew Smith
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Linq Connect Online Payments: All meals in WCPS are free! However, if your child would like to purchase a-la-carte items, you can pay online. Click here to make a payment:
https://linqconnect.com/main 2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media